Taking Medicine is Now Easier for Kids with Swallowing Difficulties
Released on = October 20, 2006, 6:56 pm
Press Release Author = Shannon Cherry/Cherry Communications
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = New Oralflo Pill Swallowing CupT Helps Provide Relief
Press Release Body = RARITAN, NJ (October 20, 2006) - When children are sick, they
often have to take medicine in order to get better. But when a child has difficulty
swallowing a pill, the cure may be worse than the symptoms, leaving both the child
and parents upset and frustrated.
"It can be a bitter pill to swallow when a child has difficulty swallowing," says
Roger Heilos, president of Oralflo Technologies, LCC. "For already concerned
parents, it can be a nightmare. As a result of the condition, the child can get
sicker, dehydrated or even end up in a hospital."
This difficulty in swallowing, called dysphagia, is found in about 40 percent of
children with developmental problems, such as prematurity, mental retardation,
ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy.
Designed for those with dysphagia, the Oralflo Pill Swallowing CupT is a
breakthrough medical device that can make the difference in getting a child to take
his or her medicine or vitamins. Designed by Heilos, a former medical products
engineer for Johnson & Johnson, the Pill Swallowing Cup alleviates the discomfort
and anxiety associated with pill-taking and proves itself a vital accessory for
doctor\'s offices, hospitals, group homes, daycare centers and concerned parents.
"I saw my own family members suffer with dysphagia and decided to do something about
it," says Heilos. "The Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup was created to assist the natural
swallowing reflex, so children and adults can take pills without gagging or choking.
It's backed by more than two years of extensive research."
The unique design of the Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup also eliminates the need to cut
and crush pills so they can be swallowed whole, which is required for time-released
and coated pills. The cup is a professional healthcare product that is patent
pending, trademarked and registered with the FDA as a Class III medical device.
It is available at www.oralflo.com for $11.95.
About Oralflo Technologies (www.oralflo.com)
In 2003, Roger Heilos established Oralflo Technologies, LLC as a result of his
creation of the Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup Medical ProductsT. Having seen members
of his own family suffer the anguish of pill swallowing anxiety and realizing how
frequently this problem occurs in children, adults, and the elderly, Heilos was
inspired to bring out a product that has the potential to make the lives of so many
pill-takers easier.
Oralflo Technologies is located in Raritan, New Jersey.
Web Site = http://www.beheardsolutions.com
Contact Details = Shannon Cherry
Be Heard Solutions
184 Lancaster Street
Albany NY 12210
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